April 7 2017 | Dade Official Proposes Hyperloop That Would Connect Miami To Orlando In 26 Minutes

May 28, 2017

Miami to Orlando could be among the first Hyperloop routes in the country, with a travel time of just over 26 minutes.

The route was one of eleven announced as finalists today by Hyperloop One, which has hundreds of employees working on a prototype. Two or three will eventually be selected to build.

State and local officials are said to be a part of the proposal. Alice Bravo, Miami-Dade director of public works, told The Verge that the route would transport tourists between Miami and Orlando, as well as cargo from the Port of Miami.

Source The Next Miami

Link http://www.thenextmiami.com/dade-official-proposes-hyperloop-connect-miami-orlando-26-minutes/

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